Monday, March 7, 2016

The look?

So I am preaching this Wednesday in a sermon series called, "the places of the passion."  The place this Sunday is the courtyard the place of denial. When I was reading and rereading the scripture I couldn't help but get stuck on the look that Jesus gave Peter.  What was that look about as Peter denied him? Was it a look of disappointment or a look of compassion? Interesting enough as I dug into this look the promises of Jesus to Peter that he was praying for him that he would not fail because of this denial and that he would be renewed to be an even stronger witness stood out to me like never before in my faith journey.  Come to find out the courtyard is not mainly about the denial but about this look.   Sermon writing for me is a very humbling task.  Each sermon prep reminds me that I am still a student of Jesus and His scriptures.  In the work of the day often times I pray it would be so much easier for me but then I am reminded of just how vast God is and the word that he has given us.  I am glad to say that I am still reading my bible.  In the word of my dear uncle Buddy who is with Jesus,  "When you preach don't forget the bible." May we continue to be people of the text.


  1. What book and chapter is that? Right off the bat I was also reminded about how Jesus had told Peter what the outcome would be. I love reading th passages where Jesus says something to the effect of "I am telling you this ahead of time so that..." He wanted them to be encouraged just as soon as possible. He was so gracious with the disciples and I love that picture. He's almost saying, "Hey, you're going to fall really bad but just get right back up. I'm right there with you." Have a blessed journey on the way to Wed!


  2. What book and chapter is that? Right off the bat I was also reminded about how Jesus had told Peter what the outcome would be. I love reading th passages where Jesus says something to the effect of "I am telling you this ahead of time so that..." He wanted them to be encouraged just as soon as possible. He was so gracious with the disciples and I love that picture. He's almost saying, "Hey, you're going to fall really bad but just get right back up. I'm right there with you." Have a blessed journey on the way to Wed!

